domingo, 13 de novembro de 2011
Hi, again I'm back for another big game review. Of course I'm going to talk about the world game market and things like that but first things first. So, this week I'm reviewing ...........(drums)........... the best game of the year (for me), Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

Hey folks, I'm back!
If you read the first +Tips you should know that for now, this article is about gaming gear that improves our gaming experience. The first one was about cyborg's mouse, that's outrageous.
So, imagine that you are playing a FPS(first person shooting), what do you need to play it? A mouse and....a..... right, a keyboard!
domingo, 6 de novembro de 2011

Hey guys, here's Chrono. This blog is managed by me and my partner Skyller. We are addicted gamers and that gave me an idea (a brilliant idea!).

I'm going to write a weekly article talking about software/hardware that improves our gaming experience.
So, my first post will be about this mice that promisses perfection.
Hi, It's me Skyller. Every Sunday I'm going to write a review about general game news of the week, I will also write a review about one specific game. Hope you enjoy this article. So I think I'll start with this game first.
This is the last adventure of Ezio Auditore, and this time Ezio will travel to Masyaf to uncover the secrets of Altair. The objective in the last part of this trilogy is to get one piece of Eden that is on a safe inside Altair's library. Let's see what Ezio has to offer.
sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011

Steam is a plataform for PC developed by valve.
Launched in 2003, it has milions of active users around the world.

So, if you aren't familiar with this nice little application, you just don't care about your computer!

Do you know a better program that is as light and efficient as CCleaner to wipe out everything that shouldn't be in your PC? Of course not!!!
That's why I'm going to talk about it =)

Next D-tail?


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About us

We will talk about everithing since software, to hardware. As gamer addicted, we will obviously talk about them. Hope you enjoy.


